the joy of coloring intriguing patterns,
the fun of building snazzy geometric shapes, and
finding out how your colored pattern moves around the shape.
Post construction, you get to enjoy this special object by:
playing with it, studying it, or using it to decorate!
▪polyhedron: Derived from the Greek words ‘poly’ for many, and ‘hedron’ for faces. It refers to the many polygons that comprise these three-dimensional shapes.
▪polyhedra: Plural form of polyhedron.
▪net: A two-dimensional plan of the faces of a polyhedron that can fold up into that three-dimensional shape.
▪Net Book: My name for a book, like this one, which is a collection of nets.
GreenerPrinter is an eco-minded company that considers sustainability in every aspect of production for books, brochures, business cards, and many other paper products. They are passionate about reducing, reusing, recycling, and offsetting to weave sustainability thorough all of their manufacturing process.
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